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mother church 〔擬人語〕教會,所喜歡的教會;鎮里最老的教會。

mother country

Then spoke young stephen orgulous of mother church that would cast him out of her bosom , of law of canons , of lilith , patron of abortions , of bigness wrought by wind of seeds of brightness or by potency of vampires mouth to mouth or , as virgilius saith , by the influence of the occident or by the reek of moonflower or an she lie with a woman which her man has but lain with effectu secuto , or peradventure in her bath according to the opinions of averroes and moses maimonides 并談及妊娠之種種原因:或由風播下光輝的種子34 ,或通過吸血鬼之魔力嘴對嘴地35懷上了孕或如維吉爾所云,借西風之力36 ,或借月光花之腥臭,或與一名剛跟丈夫睡過覺的女人刻不容緩地37去睡覺。據阿威羅伊與摩西邁蒙尼德之見解,或入浴時亦能懷孕。

A wariness of mind he would answer as fitted all and , laying hand to jaw , he said dissembling , as his wont was , that as it was informed him , who had ever loved the art of physic as might a layman , and agreeing also with his experience of so seldom seen an accident it was good for that mother church belike at one blow had birth and death pence and in such sort deliverly he scaped their questions 彼為人謹慎,為了做出迎合眾人心意之答復,手托下顎,乃按習慣詭稱: “吾雖外行,卻摯愛醫術目睹如此罕見之事件,吾以為母親教會如能同時拿到誕生與死亡之獻金41 ,確為一舉兩得之好事。 ”遂用此言岔開彼等之質疑。

This central mother church is , among the ancient churches of paris , a sort of chimera ; it has the head of one , the limbs of another , the haunches of another , something of all 這座中心、始祖教堂,在巴黎所有古老教堂中,可說是神話中一種怪獸,頭部是這一教堂的,四肢又是那一教堂的,臀部又是另一座的;總之,每座教堂都吸取點什么東西。

As christianity spread throughout europe the celebration changed to honor the “ mother church “ - the spiritual power that gave them life and protected them from harm 隨著基督教在歐洲的廣泛傳播,這一天逐漸演變為“母親禮拜日“ ,以紀念給予基督徒生命和保護他們不受傷害的精神力量。

As christianity spread throughout europe the celebration changed to honor the “ mother church “ - the spiritual power that gave them life and protected them from harm 由于基督教遍布歐洲,這個節日演變成了“母親禮拜日” ? ?頌揚那種給予人們生命和保護人們免受傷害的精神力量。

Others believe the mother church was substituted for mother goddess and custom began to dictate that a person visit the church of his / her baptism on this day 還有一些人認為圣母女神已由圣母堂所代替,在這一天人們要去圣母堂并接受他/她的洗禮,這個習俗流傳了下來。

We will deal with individuals and not the congregation . the individuals should disassociate themselves from the mother church upon the acceptance of the truth 我們將會與每個人接觸,而不是全體會眾。個人接受真理后必須與母會(教團)分離。

Old swedes holy trinity church built by the swedes at wilmington in 1698 was supplied by the mother church with missionaries until after the revolution 瑞典人于1698年修建的old swedes holy trinity教堂是北美最古老的耶穌教堂之一。

Many churches in china have links to their mother churches in wenzhou , receiving financial support as well as the training of church workers 許多中國教會與溫州的教會都有一定程度的連系,比如受到溫州教會在人力或經濟上的支援。

James murphy , deacon of the diocese ' s mother church , the cathedral of the blessed sacrament , said church leaders are always skeptical at first 主教教區的天主教大教堂執事詹姆斯墨菲說,教堂的負責人一開始都對此持懷疑態度。

People attended the mother church of their parish , laden with offerings 人們將帶著豐盛的捐獻物去各自教區的圣母堂。